vendredi 23 octobre 2015

Micro Project

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We are in first year of sports management Master degree, and in this context, we have to create a micro-project. 
With three classmates (Geoffrey, Yoan and Jose), we will create an hybrid organization between association and company to help a territory like municipalities, association of municipalities or tourist offices. 
Our goal is to conceive pedestrian and mountain bike hikes, by arousing the fiction, the imagination with staged routes. 
The objective is to affect tourist and local families because they want to go hiking but they think it's boring (at least kids and teenagers).
 From a territory point of view, this project is an opportunity to improve their image and create an economic and sustainable development.
 In this context, our first "customer" or we might say partner is the Combrailles tourist office that contacted us to work on the requirements of a mobile app that will gather patrimony and hiking paths.
 Our aim will be to plot the itineraries linked with patrimony and cultural assets of the territory.

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